Promoter checklist
Thank you for choosing the Vaults for your event!
There are a few details we need before your event, please answer below and submit.
Any questions, please email:
Green Room is for headliners ONLY, and will be monitored fully by security all evening – this room is very small so will be a maximum of 8 people at one time
Rider can be brought in for artists but must be in place before doors open.
Decks are to be hired in and loaded in 24 hours before the event.
Access to the venue will be 2 hours before doors open.
It is not the venues responsibility to scan in tickets or undertake ticket sales on the door, the promotor must organise this themselves.
Strict searches will remain in place for bags. This includes all DJs and promotors.
Our security company have the right to refuse entry, which the venue CANNOT overrule.
We will require a ticket count every Friday until the event to help us plan staffing levels.
We have a zero drugs policy for all individuals, including artists – so please ensure this is adhered to throughout.
In order to have the best possible event we require the promotors to be contactable, and work with us honestly and accurately.